I have oft been fascinated by the work of geneticists. The scientists who dedicate their lives to studying the blueprint of what makes us who we are have unraveled some marvelous mysteries about how the human body functions and how unique each one of us actually are.
I suppose the most fascinating thing about what I have learned about DNA and the like is how anyone can see and understand all the marvelous detail that goes into making the human body work and still not feel compelled to believe that we were made by the design and creation of a wonderfully loving God.
It seems that each new discovery would lead the world to see the indelible fingerprints of God on and in all of creation. Many--both scientist and laymen--have gazed into the heavens and wondered what's really out there. People ask, "Are we alone?" or "Are there other inhabited planets?" All this in search of meaning for this life and hope for life beyond this world.
The Bible makes it very clear that we were created in the image of our Creator God (Genesis 1:26, 27). But many have questioned whether we still fully bear that resemblance; especially in light of all the disease and prevalence of birth defects in our society. I think sin has marred that perfect image we were created in. Sin has served to possibly even genetically alter us to the point that we need to be made whole.
Paul spoke of this when he wrote to the church in Corinth. Corinth was a city steeped in sinful behavior and pagan culture. But God had faithful followers there too. In his second letter to the Corinthians Paul spoke of how we groan in these earthly tents (2 Cor 12:1) and how one day we will be given a dwelling from heaven (2 Cor 12:2).
Paul is using code language here to describe the decrepit state in which sin has left our bodies. He goes on to say that while we are at home in these sinful, burdened bodies we are forced to be absent from the Lord in person. However, he seeks to give us hope that one day we will be absent from these bodies of sin and clothed with a heavenly dwelling of a new and glorified body and then and only then will we be in the presence of our God.
While we have to wait to receive those glorified bodies, we do not have to wait to receive a character that resembles that of Christ. When we surrender our lives to Him we can become new creatures. No, not new right now as it pertains to our bodies, but we can experience new life in Christ as the Holy Spirit dwells within us to affect change in our character.
Have you surrendered to Christ today? Have you let Him have full control of your life and your plans? Have you given Him your genetically sin-gineered body so that you can one day soon receive that body that is direct from heaven? One day soon Christ will come to carry us home and when He comes and gives the call we shall be changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye(1 Cor 15:51-53); thus receiving those new bodies. Let us remain faithful till then friends. Let us look forward to His coming while living daily to serve Him.
Dear Father God,
We praise You and give You thanks for the honor of making us in Your image. Forgive us for contributing to the tearing down of that image through our sinfulness. Please come soon, Lord, to take us home with You. We long to be restored and made whole. Until that day please make us new creatures inwardly. We pray these things in the holy name of Jesus, Amen.