We live in a world that requires us to have our assets and ourselves protected. We have car insurance to make us whole in the event of an accident or crash. We have home owners insurance to take care of our houses and tool sheds. Medical insurance takes some of the bite out of health related expenses. And in the event of death, we have life insurance to give those left behind some monetary means to move on without us.
Commercial after commercial pitches us the idea that one company can cover our insurance needs better than the "other guy" who may want to sell us coverage. Please don't get me wrong. I am not against insurance and yes I have various types of insurance to protect my own family. However, we should note that insurance does not remove risk or the results that arise after tragedy; it only seeks to compensate for, replace, or repair that which was lost, destroyed or damaged.
I am so glad that God is not in the insurance business. God does not seek to just compensate, replace, or repair. He does not promise to give us monetary salve to help us pay our way past a lost. God does so much more; He seeks to give assurance of something better than what we have or can obtain on our own.
God does need an appraiser to come out and try to see just how little He can pay to get by and keep His costs down. No, He appraises the situation Himself and basically says to us, "You have nothing of value for Me to restore. Therefore, I will give you an inheritance of eternal assurance!"
I submit to you all that God is not in the business of selling "fire insurance" to protect us from the flames of hell, but rather He is in the business of granting eternal assurance of a life that is not of equal value to this one but far superior.
The question comes down to, "What do we really want out of this life?" Do we want want to cling to the fleeting value of material possessions and a life that will end in eternal separation from God or do we want assurance of something that does not have earthly value: eternal life lived out in the very presence of the Almighty.
I would have to side with the mighty Joshua in this matter when he said, "choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve,...But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." I hope that is your faith commitment today as well friends; that you want God's assurance above all else in this world and that by His grace you will stay firm in your stance for Him.
Dear Father God,
Thank You for loving us more than we can comprehend. Your love grants us peace, understanding, and salvation. Teach us, oh Lord, to trust in You and Your assurance and to place our faith completely in You day by day. We praise You and as we ask these things in Jesus' name, Amen.